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工業英検3級過去問 英作文問題の解答案


工業英検3級問題集 2013年度版

工業英検3級問題集 2013年度版




(a) The error brought (7. about  2. a 1. hardware 5. failure 4. resulting 6. in 3. the) loss of data.

bring about:もたらす、result in:結果として〜になる、


(b) The detecting device is still (5. alive 4. immediately 7. after 2. the 1. power 6. switch 3. is) turned off.


(c) Force is transferred from the crankshaft to (4. the piston 2. for 1 .the purpose 7. of 3. compressing 6. the gas 5. in) the cylinder.

for the purpose of:〜のため(目的)


(d) A kite can fly because the (7. necessary 4. lift 1. is 3. generated 6. when 5. air 2. flows) over and under the kite's wing.


(e) The two (3. engaged 5. gears  2. rotate 1. in 7. the 4. opposite 6. direction) from each other.

in the opposite direction :反対方向へ


(f) This inspection (5. can 1. be 3. done 2. before 6. or 7. after 4. the) manufacturing process.




(a) Fly-by-wire is a system (7. that 3. replaces 6. the 2. conventional 1. mechanical 5. interface 4. with) an electronic interface.

that:関係詞、replace A with B:AをBで置き換える


(b) The volume of (4. most 7. materials 1. becomes 6. larger 3. when 2. they 5. are) heated.


(c) A wrong measurement (7. will 3. have 1. a 4. negative 6. impact 2. on 5. the following) processes.


(d) The cars (7. came 3. off 4. the 6. production 1. line 5. one 2. after) another.

one after another:次々と


(e) Plants (7. release 3. chemicals, 2. which 1. give 4. the forest 6. its 5. unique) fragrance.



(f) The (4. increased 1. number of 7. nuclear power plants 2. has 5. led 6. to 3. serious problems) with radioactive waste.

無生物主語、現在完了(継続, 〜してきた)、lead to:もたらす



(a) 3761425

The larger the size of the analysis model, the longer the calculation time.

(The 形容詞の比較級〜, the 形容詞の比較級~→〜になればなるほど、~になる)


(b) 2531764

Using these techniques enables sensors to be assembled rapidly  and economically.

(無生物主語→「これらの手法を使うこと」が可能にする。 enable A to B:AがBすることを可能にする。)


(c) 4721653

Generally, a single car contains more than 20,000 components.



(d) 7124653

Replacing early the battery will reduce energy cost.

(無生物主語。reduce: 減らす。)


(e) 1574362

The purpose of this process is to save the contents of the file before closing it.

(to do:不定詞 〜すること-目的 doing:動名詞〜すること-結果)


(f) 5132764

Several attempts had been made to build a hydrogen-powered car, but they all ended up in failure.




(a) 57②3①46

The robot is equipped with artificial intelligence and voice recognition.

(be equipped with:  〜を備えている。)


(b) 64③7⑤12。

The density of a substance is calculated by dividing the mass of that substance by its volume.


(divide A by B: AをBで割る 二回目のsubstanceは一回目のa substanceと同じだからtheではなくthatをつける)


(c) 27③6①45

The latest disk-head technology doubles the number of bits written per platter.


(無生物主語。double: 二倍にする)


(d) 46⑦3⑤31 

The IC chip contains biometric data such as an image of the holder's face.



(contain:含む。such as ~: 〜のような(例示) anは必ずimageの前に付く。)



(e) 42⑦3⑤61

Operating systems were developed for computers to communicate with a variety of applications.


(不定詞to doを用いて、目的を表す。 a variety of: 様々な〜)


(f) 74②3⑤16

A DVD-ROM drive has the same basic structure as a CD-ROM drive.


(same as: 〜と同じ 名詞structureを修飾する形容詞の語順はsameが先で冠詞theをつける。CD-ROM driveは特定の物を指していないので冠詞aをつける。)



(a) 3615724

Increase in the cost of fossil fuels have focused renewed attention on alternative energy.

(無生物主語。increase in:〜の増加。have focused:現在完了形)


(b) 2751432

A valve allows liquid to flow one way and prevents it from flowing the other way.

(prevent A from doing:Aが~するのを防ぐ one に対してthe otherが呼応)


(c) 3547612

An oscilloscope is a measuring instrument used to display waveforms of electric signals.

(measuring :現在分詞 used:過去分詞 used to do:〜するのに用いられる)


(d) 2467153

Traffic congestion increases the carbon dioxide emissions that lead to global warming.

(無生物主語。increaseは他動詞「増加させる」。thatは関係詞。lead to:〜に導く)

(e) 7241635

The AIDS virus mutates twice as fast as the flu virus.


(f) 3724615

Genetic manipulation has to be performed with the utmost care because it deals with organisms' genes.

(deal with:〜を取り扱う。注:organismsは一般的に「生物」と訳される)




(a) 3154762

The newly developed control circuit is much more complicated than the conventional one.

(比較級 more 形容詞 than)


(b) 3726451

The white light from the sun is a composite of all the visible rays.

(all the A:全てのA composite:複合物)


(c) 4713265

If anti-virus software is not installed, your computer may become infected with a virus.


(d) 7361254

The development cost of solar power generation 

is expected to be reduced to one-third by 2015.

(expect A to do:Aが〜することを予想する。→受身形でA is expected to do)


(e) 7314625

The pressure acting on a body is the force acting on that body per unit area.


(f) 2413756

There are several reasons for the occurrence of measurement errors.




(a) 4762153

A sudden increase in fluid pressure may damage the apparatus.

(無生物主語を用いる。increase in :〜の増加)

(b)  6352471

When we push an object with a great force, it will accelerate accordingly.


(c) 1625734

Moving the mouse on desktop causes the cursor to move on the screen.

(無生物主語。doing(moving)は動名詞「〜すること」 cause A to do:Aが〜することを引き起こす)


(d) 4673215

To analyze the influence of cosmic rays on organic cells, experiments are planned.

(to do: 不定詞、目的「〜するために」を表す。 the influence (effect) of A on B:AのBに対する影響(効果))


(e) 2647135

For example, 4775 rounded off to the nearest hudred is 4,800.

(roundedは過去分詞(〜された)。round off 小数 to :小数を〜へ丸める)

(f) 5431276

This instrument must be hundled as carefully as possible 

(as 形容詞・副詞 as possible :できるだけ〜)



(a) 3571462

Bad weather forced the plane to land at another airport far from the intended destination.

(無生物主語を用いる。force A to do:Aが〜することを強いる)


(b) 7154362

The stopping distance of a vehicle increases in proportion to the square of its speed.

(increase増加する(自動詞)、in proportion to:〜に比例して)


(c) 5241736

Bearing precision is just one factor controlling the precision of the total machine system.



(d) 2457316

For the experiment to succeed, we need a large set of equipment.

(一般論ではなく、「この」実験について言っているのだから、the が付く。a set of :ひとそろいの〜 )


(e) 3562417

A disease that is caused by a virus is often difficult to cure.



(f) 7316425

we will have to adjust our schedule to finish on time.

(to finish (不定詞〜するために) on time:時間に間に合って)



(a) 5247316

A diode is used to control the direction in which electric current flows in a circuit.

(be used to do 〜するのに使われる。in which 関係詞 それにおいて)


(b) 4753126

A fuel cell is a divice that generates electricity through a chemical reaction between hydrogen and oxygen.

(that: 関係詞。 generates electricity:電流を発生する→generator 発電機)


(c) 2573614 

Many plastic resins are capable of being expanded or foamed.

(be capable of doing:〜する能力がある。)



Gold is more resistant to rust than other metals such as silver.

(more 形容詞 than: 〜より....だ。be resistant to ~に抵抗性である。such as 〜のような(例示))


(e) 4716235

This capacitor loses its electrical charge in approximately one second if no voltage is applied.

(in 時間:〜以内に。No SV:全く〜しない。


(f) 7654213

To simplify the calculation, round off all decimals to the second place.

(round off 丸める、 decimals 小数、the second place 小数点第二位)



(a) 3546271

Wear clean room garments and wash your hand before you enter the clean room.



(b) 6274531

You can use any heating method to melt the solder.

(any:いかなる to doは不定詞「〜するために」)


(c) 6415273

It remains unclear what energy will be the mainstream in the future.

(remain+形容詞:〜のままである。Itは形式主語でwhat energy〜の部分を表している)


(d) 1472536

The harder you press the brake pedal, the more force is applied to the brakes.

(The 比較級SV, the 比較級SV:~すればするほど、より〜する。特殊な語順に注意。)


(e) 6172345

We have learned that the resistivity of a conductor is a function of its temperature.

(have 過去分詞:現在完了形〜してきた。learned that SV: SがVすることを学んだ。a function of: 〜の関数)


(f) 7654213

To simplify the calculation, round off all decimals to the second place.

(round off 丸める、 decimals 小数、the second place 小数点第二位)



(a) 5725413 

Recently, demand for improvement in fuel efficiency has been increasing in many countries .

(demand for: 〜に対する要求、需要。improvement in 〜の改良。has been 現在完了形(継続))


(b) 7356241

A functional test determines whether or not a product matches the product specification.

(determine: 調べる。whether〜or not:〜かどうか  〜が長いときはwhether or not ~とする。)


(c) 4125736

By using this method, we will be able to save more money and energy.

(be able to do:〜できる)


(d) 7146352

With a hub, multiple peripheral devices can be connected to a single USB port.

(with 物:~を使って。connect A to(with) B: AをBにつなぐ)


(e) 5174632

Formerly, technology was always thought to have positive effects on society. 

(be thought to do: 〜すると考えられている。effect on: 〜に対する影響)


(f) 7423516

Steel that is coated with paint is less susceptible to corrosion.

(that:関係詞。be coated with: 〜で覆われた。be susceptible to:〜の影響、作用を受けやすい。corrosion : 腐食)



(a) 5713642 

Silicon is a non-metal that resembles carbon in its physical properties.

(that:関係詞。resemble A in B: Bの点でAに似ている。An avocado resembles a pear in shape but not in taste.)


(b) 5142736

The light coming from the light source is directed toward the screen.

(coming→現在分詞~している。be directed toward(at) 〜へ誘導される。)


(c) 7431625

Either cold or preheated molding material can be loaded.

(either A or B (肯定文で): A,Bどちらも)


(d) 2473651

The area is two-dimensional and can be measured in square meters.



(e) 3124765

The desired strength can be obtained through suitable heat treatment.


(f) 5721463

Thousands of years ago, garbage was not a problem because it was made up of natural materials.



(a) 4132657

An influenza pandemic occurs when a new influenza virus appears against which no human population has the immunity.

(against which:関係詞(それに対して)no 〜:全く〜でない)


(b) 4361275

These coils serves to transfer the current from the brushes and the commutator to the rotor.



(c) 5137426

A substance or material we can feel or see is divided into particles known as molecules.



(d) 6173524

The fuel-air mixture will be compressed when the piston rises in the cylinder.



(e) 7612354

In a right triangle, the square of the hypotenuse is equal to the sum of the squares of the other two sides.



(f) 7143562

A laser is a divise that controls the way in which energized atoms release protons.




(a) 2165743

Air can be easily compressed only when it is in a container.


(b) 7524631

There is a small window covered with something transparent in the center of case.

(covered 過去分詞、be covered with:〜に覆われた something 形容詞:〜な何か(語順に注意)


(c) 6215473

C is a commonly used computer language for controlling mechatronic systems.

(for doing:〜するための)


(d) 6574231

An equilateral figure is a figure with all sides of equal length.


(e) 2745361

An orbit is a circular or elliptical path taken by a satellite moving around a planet.

(taken 過去分詞 moving 現在分詞)

(f) 2435167

Applying a current to a coil establishes magnetic field.

(無生物主語。applying 動名詞。)



(a) 2317654

Our new machine is fast in operation and generates low noise.


(b) 2145376

It takes a certain amount of time for sound waves to hit the object and to return to you as an echo.

(it takes 時間 for A to do:Aが〜するのに「時間」がかかる←it = to do)


(c) 2536174

Use a moistened cloth to clean the surface that the pen touches.

(Use 命令形、to clean 不定詞-目的)


(d) 5167324

A spring balance uses the principle of a stretching spring to determine weight.



(e) 5762413

Flash memory devices are beginning to be used  as the alternative to hard disk drives as well as to floppy.



(f) 7324561

A car is faster than a bicycle whereas the bicycle is handier than the car.